All news "SAPO"

Onyhchenko gas case: General Prosecutor signed the notice of suspicion

On June 27 the General Prosecutor of Ukraine sighed the notice of suspicion against the Deputy of Ukraine Oleksandr Onishchenko who is considered to be the organizer of the corruption scheme of large scale state funds embezzlement while gas production and realization jointly with the PJSC “Ukrgasvydobuvannia”.

Suspects of public land embezzlement are taken into custody

On Friday, May 27, a preventive measure on a motion of the detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau agreed with the prosecutors of the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor`s Office was chosen for three participants of the corruption scheme of 50 million UAH public land embezzlement in Kyiv region.

NABU exposed 50 million UAH scheme of public land embezzlement

On Wednesday, May 25, the NABU detectives in cooperation with prosecutors of the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor`s Office (SAPO) and officers of the National Police Economic Defense Department took into custody three participants of the corruption ...

Indictment as of the Chancellor of Berdiansk University sent to court

The Detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) completed pre-trial investigation of criminal proceeding as of the facts of giving bribe in amount of USD 10 thous. (almost UAH 250 thous.) to the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine by the Chancellor of one of Berdiansk universities, Zaporizhzhia Oblast. He tried to get a positive conclusion on the accreditation of the university.